Spring Break Reading Challenge: Blog Designs & Widgets

Assignment #4 of the Spring Break Reading Challenge asks what widgets and design ideas we envy (or would like to figure out for our blogs). Here are the questions and my answers for this assignment:

Is there something you really want to create, but don't know how?

I do have a some ideas about what I would like to create for my blog, but I definitely don't know how and have not had the time to figure this all out. I would definitely like to have a link back button. I don't know much about HTML and design, so that might be a difficult task for me, but I may have time this summer to play around with this new blog more.

Would you like your blog design to be different?

I looked at a bunch of three column blog styles before settling on this two column design. I still think that there are some advantages to the three column pages. Some that I've seen are a little more organized looking but some are too busy for my taste. Ultimately, I'm pretty happy with this design (for now) but may play with it this summer.

What about organization? Is there something about the arrangement you want to change?

Again, the three column design seems to hold more stuff in an organized way. I'm trying to be a little picky about what I include on my blog. I'm also trying to update the sidebar frequently so that there are not extraneous buttons, widgets, and information listed on it. My purpose in creating this blog was to leave my classroom and professional blogs free of all the challenge, book/ movie review, and random Young Adult Lit-related entries I was writing or wanting to write. I found that my classroom blog was becoming too cluttered with entries related to YA lit. So, this blog is pretty new and I guess I'll just need to see where it goes/ grows before I change too much. For now, it's meeting my purposes.