I have come across so very many treasures since beginning this blog. Connecting with other bloggers and taking risks has allowed me to widen my vision of what "good" YA is, and I am all the happier for having dipped into more genres. The most unexpected genre for me has been the paranormal romance genre. Traditionally, my favorite genres have been realistic fiction and dystopia. I love a great end-of-the-world or real-world-gone-bad read. I'm kinda into tragedy.
And so is the paranormal romance genre! It's all about characters who have made or are making bad choices, who have fallen from grace and are in need of redemption, and the "other" worlds described in these novels are just as messed up as any dystopia.
Here are some of my most (unexpected) favorite reads in this genre:
Hush, Hush
The Clockwork Angel
The Eternal Ones
I can't wait to see what you've all *unexpectedly* fallen in love with!