Join Me in Entering the 48 Hour Book Challenge!

MotherReader is hosting the 4th Annual 48 Hour Book Challenge! This challenge starts today and last through the weekend. See the rules here for more details and an explanation of this challenge.

I am planning to read a book club book that I've been putting off for some time now. It deals with depression and, quite frankly, it's just been too sunny and happy outside for me to pick up this read. Also, I have some reading that I need to complete for a grad class I'm taking. I don't know that this will necessarily count toward the challenge, but it's a good 100 pages of literacy-based subject matter. Oh joy.

So, I know that I have at least 5 or 6 hours of mandatory readings. I hope to intersperse these required reads with some fresh new YA titles that I received as a thank-you from the WMEC (Western Maine Educational Collaborative). Thanks WMEC!

I'll post a couple of entries as I'm reading to give ya'll an update on my progress. I won't start until later this evening or early Saturday morning, as I am just about brain dead right now from a busy day of teaching and graduation-related stress. But, I should be freshened up and ready to plow through some pages soon. Happy readings!