I am going to start reading my first selection for this challenge, Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green and David Levithan, at 9:30 pm Eastern Standard Time. I decided to start with a must-read and then pick up my book club book whenever I get bored/ tired/ feeling guilty for enjoying it so much. I am hoping to get about 3 hours of reading in tonight.
This will give me until Sunday evening at 9:30 to get as much reading and reviewing and such in as possible. I've cleared my calendar (f0r the most part) and am ready to rock 'n roll. Or, just read. Yup, that sounds good.
There's still time to join in this challenge. Head over to MotherReader to join in the fun!
PS. Blogger says that the time of this post is 6:23 or 6:24 pm. It's really 9:28 pm right now.