Honestly, when my internet router stopped working on Thursday, I had a bit of a what-am-I-ever-going-to-do-without-tech meltdown. That lasted for about three or four hours before I decided to just go with it and live like it was 1985 all over again. I had done everything that I could do: called the cable company, spent an hour on the phone, arranged for a new modem to arrive early this week.
So, I lived life for the entire weekend without any internet. I did have moments of lack-of-tech frustration, like wanting a phone number to order take-out and needing directions, but other than this there were no significant problems. In fact, there were several bonuses: I spent the weekend with friends and family and traveled and gardened and read and never felt the need to update my status, so to speak. It was wonderful.
I read three of my TBR books, all of which were entertaining and fabulous in their own way:
1. Jumping Off Swings by Jo Knowles
2. Marcello in the Real World by Francisco Stork
3. The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner by Stephenie Meyer
I also started another TBR book:
1. Folly by Marthe Jocelyn
Hopefully, I'll be able to write some of these reviews soon. I won't have internet service for another day or two, so maybe I'll just enjoy a couple more of these sunny summer days.