New Feature: Book 2 Book

I've been looking for around the blogosphere for some time, searching for a meme that fits a category of book pairings that I've been wanting to talk about. I haven't had any luck (maybe I'm not looking in the right places), so I've created my own little feature that I'm going to use on this blog. Feel free to alert me to a meme that fits what I'm looking to talk about if you know of one!

I'm calling it "Book 2 Book" for lack of a better, more creative name. Basically, I've noticed in lots of different teacher discussions that educators have some trouble creating bridges to classic texts using YA lit. I think that this is a shame, because there are so many great pairings out there, several of which I either use in my classroom or would love to use at some point.

Many of my colleagues do not read YA lit, which is a shame. I love YA lit and read more of it than adult lit at this point. In my teaching, I've recognized that students often need book that will serve as a bridge to a classic text in order to understand and be prepared for the classic text. I'm hoping to promote some great book pairings that I've seen and (hopefully) will continue to see as I read more and more and more!

I'll post my first book pair soon.